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9262 1912


Cat Hotel Policy

Cats under six months, within seven days of vaccination, with an infectious disease, pregnancy, requiring special medical attention, in heat, right after any surgery or extremely aggressiveness should NOT be checking in and will not be accepted for our boarding service.
貓隻之年齡必須不少於六個月。 接種疫苗七天內、患有傳染病、懷孕、需要特殊醫療照顧、發情、剛完成手術, 凶惡或帶攻擊性的貓隻也不適宜入住。

All owners must provide 2 emergency contact numbers. 
飼主需提供最少2 個真實的電話號碼以作聯絡。

The owner needs to provide a valid vaccination card (original) and ID card at the time of check-in.


A deposit of 50% of the total amount will be charged at the time of booking and the remaining amount must be settled on the day of check-in. Owner who refused to pay the charges at check in time, no rooms will be provided. Please reserve time to sign the information sheet and accommodation agreement.

訂房時收取住宿費用總金額的50%按金, 尾數需於入住當天結清。入住當天請預留時間簽資料表及住宿同意書。

All cats should come with their own food to avoid any sickness caused by changing diet.  If the owner fail to supply cat food, we will provide "Nisshin Carat Mix cat food". We will not be responsible for any sickness caused by changing diet under this circumstances.
以免造成貓咪不安與腸胃不適, 飼主需攜帶貓隻習慣的食物入住。 如沒有提供, 本公司會餵食 日清 Nisshin Carat Mix 貓乾糧。如造成貓隻腸胃不適本公司並不負責。 

All cats should be nail trimmed, dewormed and flea treated before check in.  If any flea is found during the boarding period, we will send the cat to vet for professional flea treatment.  All the costs should be paid by the owner at time of check-out.
Owners should provide a valid vaccine records to certify that the cat have been vaccinated against diseases such as Feline Panleukopenia (Infectious Enteritis) and  Feline Respiratory  Disease  Complex (Cat Flu)
貓隻均需於在入住時作杜蝨杜蟲處理及先剪指甲。 如在入住其間發現貓隻有蝨,將會被安排到獸醫作專業除蝨,一切費用將由飼主負責並於退房時支付。 

All cats should be healthy & fit at check in.  Owner is responsible for providing the medical records of the cat, and the names of the veterinary surgeons.
Should a cat fall sick during the boarding period, the cat will be treated and taken care of by a veterinary surgeon appointed by Meow Kingdom (or the owner).  All the costs should be paid by the owner at time of check-out.
如果貓隻在托管期間患病任何身體不適,本公司會馬上通知飼主, 得到同意時會立即安排貓隻求醫。 一切費用將由飼主負責並於退房時支付。 


If Meow Kingdom fails to contact the owner for more than 10 days of the original check-out date, the cat will be regarded as abandoned, and the Meow Kingdom will report to the relevant authorities and has the right to transfer the cat to a third party for adoption or abandon animal centre.

如原定退房日期超過 10 日仍未能聯絡上飼主, 將被視為棄養,本公司會向有關當局舉報棄養。本公司有權將動物送交別人領養。

For unpaid bills, Meow Kingdom will send a demand note to the address of the owner as provided in the membership form.  If the unpaid amount is not received,  Meow Kingdom will take legal action to claim the unpaid amount.

Meow Kingdom uses its best efforts to prevent cats under our boarding from getting hurt, contracting diseases and death.  However, we bear no responsibility if any of those unfortunate incidents occur.


Cancellation Policy

All booked rooms can be changed ONCE and at least 7 days in advance.
Deposit will not be refunded if reservation change less than 7 days.

所有已預訂的房間可以在最少 7 日前更改日期一次, 如不足 7日, 按金將不予退還。

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